CHASKA Production
Production for CHASKA Part 1 began in June of 2023. We are so fortunate to have the town of Pine Bush, New York as our backdrop. This picturesque town is a Hamlet of the town of Crawford located about 52 miles from the Bronx. The UFO Fair is a yearly event put on by the town and the Pine Bush UFO and Paranormal Museum. Pine Bush is the UFO Capital of the Northeast. It's Chaska's hometown.
And her town holds secrets.
Chaska a curious and typical high school student desires more information about her father's side of the family. This leads her to Lineage Industries, the leading Ancestral Investigators in the world, to find her ancestral story. Instead, government agents apprehend her weeks later. Her DNA being red flagged since the 1940's, pings when her results are drawn by scientists who are employed by the government. Their pursuit of a being since 1947 and with technology, brings these secret agents into the 21st century with the development of a DNA testing facility soley created to find this one being.
Chaska will discover who she is and where she come from. She will never be the same. She will find her greatest power and purpose on this earth.
Is Earth prepared for...